Our Top 9 Tips for Photographing Your Children at Home

You can achieve some amazing results at home when taking photos of your kids just by following these simple tips.

1. Get down to their level.

Take the shot in eye level of your children so that the photo is taken from their height.

2. Talk to them.

Make small talk with your kids about their favourite animal or food, this can relax them for a natural looking shot.

3. Have a giggle.

Call them, or yourself, a funny name. This will capture a great natural response.

4. Choose your timing.

Mornings are a good time to take photos of kids as they have more energy and are happy.

5. Take take too long.

Don’t take too long to get the shot, be quick and move on that way they will remember how quick and simple smiling at the camera really is.

6. Check your background.

It may be a great smile but the distracting red bin in the background will ruin the shot.

7. Stay close

Don’t move too far from them and have clear simple space in the background.

8. Have your camera ready.

Check your lighting, frame and other items before asking the child to move into the frame.

9. Avoid backlight.

Don’t shoot with bright sunlight behind them, unless you can manually override your camera settings.

Of course, we can help you as we often run photo courses should you need some help.

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